7 Best Wishlist Apps 2024

November 28, 2020



The best wishlist apps this year. 2024 just got a little more organized…

Got your eye on something but can’t totally afford it at the moment? Or do you keep forgetting your friends’ birthdays and often end up buying them gifts at the last minute?

A Wishlist app can surely help you with these woes. Check out how these top wishlist apps can get you on the right track.

Why Use a Wishlist App?

A Wishlist app doesn’t only serve as a list to keep track of your preferred gifts. (And it should be noted that a wishlist and registry serve different purposes.) But it can help you with your overall financial picture as well.

Here are several reasons why it is a must-have on your phone:

Choose What You Want

It’s only the stuff you want and none of the stuff you don’t. An exciting part of opening gifts is not knowing what you’ll get. At the same time, you know that if you’re saving for items on your list, you won’t be spending money you don’t have. Whether you keep your wishlist private or shared with others can be entirely up to you.

Give Thoughtful Gifts

Wishlist apps also let people share their preferred gifts among a circle of friends and family. This way, they’ll know what each wants to receive. Some apps even have a feature that helps you brainstorm gift ideas.

And in turn, if your wishlist is private, you can save ideas for gifts you’d love to give to your loved ones. That way you’re not scrambling last minute.

Plan Your Shopping

Wishlist apps can also help you plan your shopping and save you time. After all, you already know what to get your friends, and you need not wander in various stores for ideas. You’ll also have your must-have items top of mind so you can prioritize your shopping.

Shop Within Your Budget

Many wishlist apps today connect with online stores. So, when a friend or family adds an item to their cart, you’ll know the prices right away. Some apps even compare prices across different stores, letting you choose the best deals.

And wishlist apps help you know how much money to save. So you don’t have to resort to buy now pay later or credit cards that make it easy for you to overspend.

6 Best Wishlist Apps

Having a wishlist app can take your shopping and gift-giving experience to a whole new level. With many apps to choose from, check out these six best wishlist apps of 2024.

1. Giftbuster

This gift registry app can also serve as a shopping tracker, letting you customize a list for various occasions. Here are some of the notable features of Giftbuster:

• Create wishlists, add items, and copy items from other users

• Share your list with your family and friends

• Let your family and friends reserve an item on your list

• Set reminders for various events

• Raise fundraising for your dream gift and receive money to your PayPal account

You can download the app for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

2. Giftster

Giftster’s features can take a lot of stress and anxiety from holiday shopping. You can create a private group chat for your family and different friend groups. The app also lets you join another private group created for gift-giving purposes.

With this feature, people within your group can see what each other wants and shop together. It also lets the group members mark the items they’ve already bought. This way, you can avoid buying the same thing for one person.

Other features you can enjoy with Giftster:

• Add a Secret Santa draw to your group

• Rank gift ideas with a 5-star system

• Suggest items on your friend’s list

• Invite members to your Giftster group through your contact list

This app is also available for free on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.  

3. WishSlate

Another top wishlist app in 2021 is WishSlate. What differentiates it from others is its almost social media app-like feature. You can follow your friends’ profiles and view updates on their wishlists.  

WishSlate also has an elegant interface that lets you do the following:

• Manage your wish list

• Find friends to follow

• Look for gift ideas based on categories

Unlike other apps on this list, you can access WishSlate through its web app. You’ll need to create a free account to start using it.

4. MeHappy

MeHappy lets you note your wish list and makes it visible to your selected contact group. This way, your friends can easily check on your preferred gifts, and you can check theirs, too.

Much like its name, MeHappy wants users to share good vibes and happiness by fulfilling each others’ wishes. It also has a simple interface, echoing the non-complexity of genuine happiness. You’ll also get to enjoy the following features:

• Filter friends on your contact lists

• Use chat to discuss gifts options and joint purchases

• Set a reminder for a booked gift

You can download the app for free from Google Play Store or Apple App Store. When signing up, you only need to use your mobile number.

5. WishWorks

WishWorks joins the best wishlist apps in 2024 for its awesome features. This app lets you compare prices among online stores so that you can check out the best deals. Additionally, WishWorks offers a delivery service for gifts you order.

This free app ultimately targets users who are shopping on a budget. With WishWorks, you can organize all your family and friends’ wishlists in one shopping list. This way, you can easily monitor your expenses against your entire shopping budget.

6. Giftopedia

Giftopedia makes gifting easy. The app allows you to share your wishlist directly with friends & family. They will see what gifts have already been purchased by others, and what is still available on your list. Giftopedia is accessible via their website.

7. Monorail

Monorail has a unique, modern take on your classic wishlist. Put every item you want in one place. Then, connect your bank account and add money to your Wishlist Fund. It’s an easy way to save money while also getting the items you want, rather than resorting to credit cards or buy now pay later.

The Monorail app also offers a debit card to help you save while you shop along with a short-term savings goals feature.

Monorail is free to download from the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Final Thoughts on Wishlist Apps

With these apps, you can easily save for the items you want and reduce the hassle of gift-giving.

Overall, using a wishlist app saves you:

• Time from walking around stores, brainstorming gift ideas.

• Energy and effort for choosing the perfect gift

• From jumping on the social commerce bandwagon, overspending, and putting yourself into debt

See how Monorail Wishlist can help you create your running list and help you get the things you want sooner rather than later.

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$20 Referral Reward

For a limited time, Monorail is offering a $20
reward when you refer a friend to the app.

This referral reward is only available to new
customers who sign up for Monorail and enter the
referral code they have received from an active
Monorail user.

How to qualify

  • Sign up
  • Open a Monorail account
  • Deposit into that account
  • Friends must also sign up, open a Monorail account, and deposit into the account
  • Receive a $20 reward after referred friends received their signup bonus

How do I refer a friend?

In the menu / referrals section of  the app there is a code that can be copied and sent to the referred person, a link that can be shared with a referred person, a share option that allows to share the link by standard phone sharing options.

What action does the referred friend have to do?

A referred person, when signing in has to enter the referral code received. For the referral to be
accepted and bonus to be sent to the referring
person, the referred user has to fulfill the conditions of  the signup bonus program.

What reward will I receive?

Monorail will send you a $20 cash bonus for signing up and referring friends.

The funds deposited as bonus amounts can’t be
withdrawn from the app within 6 months from the
date of  receiving the bonus. The funds can be invested into any product available in the Monorail app and can stay after this 6 month period.

For additional questions, please contact Customer Support at support@monorail.com